Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

The Hosts....a lioness and her handsome tamer!

The 4th Annual Moss' Halloween Bash was another success! The night started out with guests trickling in! We had.....

Minne Mouse aka Dave Crump (He won the Scarriest!!!)
The Burley Mountain Man..

The Swine Flu Duo!!! (They won most Original!)

The Roller Derbie Combo...

The Hospital Hoodlems..(a nun, the travelocity knom, sponge bob, 70-disco Dottie, Richard Simons, and a pin-up pilot..she won the sexiest!!!)

The Rockin Muppets!


We had goodies with chocolate, carmel, chips, salsa, punch all with a bloody twist to make stomachs turn. After mingling...a sudden mysterious murder occurred! Someone had killed Sharee! We then handed out envelopes with each guests name on them to describe the murder, the suspects, possible motives, and weapons. The guests then needed to mingle to find the out-right culprit! There was a knife, golf-club, or poison as the possible weapons, and embolished motives ranging from jealous, dislike, or adultery. came down to Nick Nickish aka 70s Disco Dottie who was the murderer! It was because she was a jealous mom, who child loves Sharee best and so she decided to poison her drink at the welcoming toast! She played a great improptu character and we hope all had fun!!! We missed those who couldn't make it this year! Please be sure to put it on the calender the next year...the 5th year should be FANTASTIC!

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