Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Congrats Sharee!

My wife is amazing...I'm sure you all say the same :)

A few days ago she officially finished her Masters...a 3 year program that she did in about 18 months! We are still scratching our heads and trying to grasp how she did it. This we know...we are so happy we got in when we did and she finished up quickly due to the fact that all FNP programs will be doctorate programs soon filled with extra admin classes that do not help you prepare to become a better Nurse Practitioner.

(Word to the wise...if you are an RN and want to be an NP someday, enroll now!)

Anyways, she is done, we are excited and are happy it's all over!

Congrats sweetie!


Gilbert Family said...

Great job Sharee...you are amazing!

I like you new blog template too and you pictures are great!

Unknown said...

Congratulations my friends! I'm so proud of you Sharee! Not that I didn't know Nurse Demars could'nt pull it off.

Next time I see you we are going to party it up in celebration.

Justin and Tiffany Walker said...

Great job Sharee!